PMR for the development of an integrated system of sustainable mobility

PMR  is a company that owns the networks and capital goods used to carry out Local Public Transport and guarantees its safekeeping and maintenance; implements transport and mobility infrastructures, including the “TRASPORTO RAPIDO COSTIERO”, with particular attention to the integration between urban and extra-urban territories, of the coastline and inland areas and promoting values and treasured historical, cultural, environmental, natural and tourist sites, with continuous respect for the environment and the quality of life. It plans innovative integrated systems of collective mobility in the territory.

Heritage management orientated
towards sustainability

Valorisation of heritage – Resource research Design and Innovation


Support to member bodies in order to think,
plan and implement

Union and intersection of the NETWORKS

Analysis, study and research of integrated systems in the territory
composed of Municipality Shareholders; from the perspective of development
of the metropolitan coast city and interconnection
of the hinterland with the coast

PMR Territory
  • Rimini
  • Bellaria Igea Marina
  • Borghi
  • Cattolica
  • Comuni Alta Val Marecchia
  • Coriano
  • Gemmano
  • Misano Adriatico
  • Mondaino
  • Montefiore Conca
  • Montegridolfo
  • Montescudo Monte Colombo
  • Morciano di Romagna
  • Poggio Torriana
  • Riccione
  • Saludecio San Clemente
  • San Giovanni in Marignano
  • Santarcangelo di Romagna
  • Savignano sul Rubicone
  • Sogliano al Rubicone
  • Tavoleto
  • Verucchio